Hi, I'm Miranda Kittie

I know how it feels to have low self-confidence, feel shy in your body, and insecure in who you are. I was just struggling with wanting to feel confident in who I was on the inside and out after going through a toxic relationship. I found out a harsh truth.. you can be so stuck drowning in self-doubting thoughts and emotions that it feels like you don’t even know who you truly are anymore.

In my search for finding my most confident and empowered feminine self I was able build my self confidence back to where it was and beyond! I completely changed my outlook on my own self, physically and mentally, and I took my power back. Power of my body .. my confidence .. and my life.


I poured my methods into my weekly dance classes and started seeing sparks of confidence and growth in my students. I knew I could take it one step further and bring this transformation to women in an even more powerful way. And that is why I started feminine empowerment coaching!

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